Well, this morning I received some sobering news. My cousin called and told me that our Uncle had passed away. Ever since I received the news, I have been feeling quite melancholy. (forgive me for not being my usual bubbly self). I know this blog is suppose to be about decorating, but I thought today, in memory of my uncle this post would be more of a walk down memory lane...
(a little background first)I have no recollection of my mother, because she also passed away before I was two. Anyways, I was raised by my grandparents, and as a result of being the offspring of Becky Duncan Marlow, who everyone adored, I quickly became our families "Golden Child"...you know every family has one. In addition to being the golden child, I was also the most spoiled, brattiest child in the family as well. In my defense though, all things considered I didn't turn out half bad!
I have a lot of fond memories of my childhood, and as far back as I can remember I was always surrounded by Aunts and Uncles. My Uncle Richard, he was the funny one who was always cracking jokes, and loading us down with candy every time he came for a visit.Then there was my Uncle Paul who would usually just reach for his wallet, and give us money. He had a heart of gold, and would give you the shirt off of his back.Then there was my Uncle Ronnie, who was my cool uncle. He would load us all up in the back of his truck, go by the store, and let us pick out all the snacks we could fit in the cart, and max out his block buster card with scary movies we weren't aloud to watch at home. We could be as loud as we wanted, and stay up all night long!!!
There were also the trips to Six Flags...Uncle Richard, if you are reading this,I know you took us all to Six Flags too, but Ronnie would let us act crazy and wild, and hang our arms out the windows. We felt truly free when we rode with him!
There's one thing that really stands out in my mind about him though, and that was this little jig he did called " The "Hambone"...he would sing a little tune that went something like this "Hambone, hambone where ya been? Around the world and back again" He would sing this while slapping his knees, and making a percussion sound with his mouth and hand. I guess it was kind of bizarre, but we loved it!!!
Another thing about him that always impressed me was his handwriting. It was fancy, and I loved it. As a matter of fact, when my husband and I got married, he wrote all over my car in shaving cream. It was so pretty, that I would not wash it off for weeks. Lol!!
He did everything in super-hyper speed. He talked, walked, drove and even ate at the speed of light.One of these days I would like to sit down with his beautiful daughter Callie, and tell her all these neat stories about her daddy.
We will miss you Uncle Ronnie!!! Rest in Peace Ronald Gene Marlow(September 14, 1960-May 8, 2012)
Ronnie is on the far right in the gray pullover. He was a young buck in this photo.
This is a more current photo of he and his precious daughter Callie!!!