Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A yellow obsession

HELLO PEOPLE out there in blog land! Listen, I apologize for being such a slacker lately, but in my defense we have been experiencing Internet issues and frankly it's out of my control at the moment.
Well, currently I have become obsessed with the color YELLOW (more specifically yellow, grey and teal), and it is showing up all over the house.
I recently decided I wanted to paint the kitchen Maize. Simple enough, right? WRONG!!!!... I made five, count em, five trips to Walmart in one day. (It's amazing how emotional you can become over the wrong paint color)...
The first time I brought it back,the paint dude said I was stuck with it, and he couldn't even lighten it. I left the store with my head hung in shame feeling defeated. I know it's crazy, but color has a dramatic effect on my mood.
I went home, and proceeded to paint my kitchen this not so lovely shade of "Golden Nugget"...YEAH RIGHT! It was more like "Dukes Mustard" Eww!!

I had nearly convinced myself that I could live with this color, that was until the sun went down, and my kitchen felt like you were standing in the middle of an abandoned cave!... Oh no, this would never do, so the next morning I headed back to the store with new determination. In my mind I was gonna march right up to that paint counter, get in that mans face, and demand he lighten the paint, or I was going to talk to the store manager...In reality I strolled in and asked him if he would please lighten it. He said he would love to help, but there was nothing he could do but give me a refund or start over with a totally new color. DUH!!!.. And why didn't he tell me this before???...Okay, long story short, after making several trips back and forth, and wasting quite a few gallons of paint, I finally found the perfect shade of paint... BANANA FRAPPE.. Doesn't that sound like a delicious treat? My youngest swears it smells like bananas! Haha!

Ain't it purdy?... Well, after that I went yellow berserk, I found a shade close to the kitchen in outdoor paint and painted the front door. LOVED IT...Wanna see?

Okay, Where was I??... Right... In addition to the paint, I found this adorable, vintage yellow, grey, and teal scrapbook paper. Okay, I'm about to let you in on a little "crafty person secret"... You can decorate your entire house with a five dollar pkg of coordinating scrapbook paper. I'm about to show you how...I should charge for this lol!
Alright, back at home I go on a treasure hunt through my house, and find a few old bottles from my collection, a couple of white frames from the dollar tree, a mason jar, sea shells, and a handful of flowers I have dried from spring. I get to work making cutesy labels for the bottles, and add paper to the inside of the frames. I added shells to the mason jar, and fill a few vases with the flowers... WAA-LAA!!.. A brand new summery display for the kitchen shelves!! Woohoo!!!

Uh,Oh!!!...Now I've gone and done it...I've gotten myself into one of those craft related tizzies again... Ya know, when ideas start flipping through your head so fast, that you know if you don't create something you will surely lapse into an inspirational coma!!!
Okay, so I scan the craft shelf, and select an ugly picture that I bought from GW purely for the frame. I head to the kitchen table with white paint in hand( of course), and a pkg of the stickers you use for your mailbox or house numbers... Any hoo, I paint the canvas and frame white, then carefully spell out YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE with the stickers, then I paint over it in a bright shade of ... You guessed it yellow. After it dries completely, I carefully peel back the stickers to reveal this...

Okay, thats all for now peeps!!! Tootles!!!!